Friday, January 29, 2010

Overwhelming Possibilities

Once again, I am completely overwhelmed with the number of opportunities that aspiring writers, like myself, have on the Internet. It is very easy to get lost in the sea of websites dedicated to writing for money. I have been so excited with all the potential for my writing(as I'm sure others have) that I haven't been doing the one real thing that a writing career is based on...WRITING.
Just surfing the Web and seeing all the potential income and exposure for the last few days has been distracting me from actually doing what needs to be done. Therefore I have to focus my attention on writing some quality articles, and THEN look into the possible markets for said articles.
Tip #3: It is VERY easy to sit and "research" online all day without writing anything. Keep in mind that actually writing is the only thing that will improve your writing career and should be your main priority.

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